Friday, November 2, 2018

Days 542...543...544...545...546...547...548...549

Day 542...

Happy Thursday Everyone!  It's a packed night here at the bar and I'm really enjoying the fall weather.  Temperatures have been above average and I know that all good things will have to come to an end, but I'm holding out hope maybe we get some nice weather for a stretch in November.

Day 543...

Happy Friday Everyone!  A very quick post as I'm headed to bed early for a Friday night.  Tomorrow is the Oregon AMS' annual Winter Weather Forecast Conference at OMSI.  We will be live streaming the conference on our Facebook page.  We are expecting a full capacity for this event. It's one of my favorite AMS events every year!

Day 544...

Well at least this morning was fun and a success.  I won't talk about the Ducks again...ugh.  The forecast conference was a success and the live stream was awesome.  We did have some technical issues which I expected but it still was great we got to share it with everyone.  I'm already looking to next year and seeing how we can expand on the technology side.  Here is the video if you want to watch it again!

Day 545...

Happy Sunday!  Whoa what an interesting day weather wise.  Storms fired this afternoon and North Portland had a brief tornado touch down.  It hit near Jubitz truck stop.  NWS is sending an assessment team out and will have a rating here pretty soon.  We're in that fall / spring pattern where we can get these small tornados or cold core funnels.

Afternoon Update: From NWS Portland!

Day 546...

Happy Monday!  Well look at that, Oregon has more tornadoes!  Two more touched down today.  The first was east of Salem.

And then Forest Grove got into the action. Check out this awesome video!

A very exciting couple days around here!

Day 547...

Happy Tuesday everyone!  I spent most of this afternoon working the phones for the Republican candidate for Oregon Governor, Knute Buehler.  I got to speak with a lot of people.

It was truly humbling.  Please vote!

Day 548...

Happy last day of October, oh yeah it's Halloween.  Something that caught my eye a couple days ago and I wanted to share since I'm not big into Halloween.

I will be watching this project very close.  I really believe it has the ability to do what it say it will do.  Let's clean up our oceans!
Day 549...

Happy Thursday!  I was back behind the phones today making more calls.  Here is a snapshot of the work put in over several hours I've volunteered!

I'm headed to the bar and I hope everyone has a great rest of your night!

Day 550...

Happy Friday!  Earlier today, Tyson Alger of the Athletic tweeted out his story on the history of Supwitchugirl and the Chip Kelly connection.  Here is my tweet and the link to the story can be found in it.  There is a subscription cost, but it's worth it.  (Free Preview on the app available)

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