Sunday, November 18, 2018

Days 562...563...564...565...

Day 562...

Happy Thursday!  Its been a fun night so far at work.  The music has been really solid if I do say so myself.  One super exciting thing today happened that has the weather world buzzing, GOES-17 has arrived in its operational site where it will live.  Check out this awesome movie that was sent out from NOAA today.

 I can't wait for the full satellite to become operational in a couple weeks!

Day 563...

Happy Friday!  The forecast for tomorrow's Oregon game just got sent out via DuckCast.  I'm really bummed that I didn't get to a game at Autzen this season, but I will be at Civil War next week.  Check out the forecast for tomorrow.

Day 564...

Happy Saturday!  I went three for three today with Oklahoma, Michigan and Oregon all winning their respective games.  Oregon squeaked it out, but a win is a win.  The Ducks now head to Corvallis for Civil War on Friday.  It's going to be one of those games where the records don't matter and you're playing for pride and the right to live in the state of Oregon.  Next week here on this blog, I'll be going into different aspects of the game, but from different points of view.  I'm looking forward to telling some great stories and sharing how this game really does shape the state for a year.

Day 565...

Happy Sunday!  Today wasn't a fun one.  I've had some issues with my car and today they came to a head.  I'm thankful for my friends who helped and I'm thankful for the friends, family and strangers who pulled over to ask if I was okay when I was waiting for the engine to cool down.  Thank you to Jeramy for his help and his wisdom to help troubleshoot this.  Might be time to look for another car.

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