Thursday, March 1, 2018

Days 303...304...305...

Day 303...

Happy Tuesday Everyone!  I just got home from the Blazers game.  A big thank you again to Joe Giansante.  Joe has become a good friend over the last couple of years.  I'm really excited to see where the tequila goes. I have forgotten how interesting it is to ride max into and out of downtown.

Day 304...

Happy Wednesday!  Tomorrow is the day!  GOES-S will be launched just after 2pm if everything is a go for flight.  GOES-S will become GOES-West once it completes its operational test.  This satellite will change how we see the West Coast of the United States in terms of operational meteorology.  I can't wait to see the high resolution pictures and the all the new projects on board.  I'll be watching the launch for sure!

Day 305...

That candle got LIT!

GOES-S lift off was picture perfect.  While we are still a few months from official operational status, the satellite will start sending back data soon.  I'll be share pictures and videos when they are.

It's my birthday eve.  I'm always hesitant to make a big deal about this, but since I'm a twin, and I share this day with her and two of my uncles, I'll just say I'm really thankful for each and everyone you in my life.  I'm blessed to have the family I have and I'm blessed to have the best mother in the world.  I miss my dad and wish he was here, but I know he's celebrating from up there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy early birthday!