Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Days 532...533...

Day 532...

I'll get right into it.  Today was one of those days that I'll never forget where I was or what I was doing.  Just before 3pm, I got a message stating Paul Allen had passed away.  I quickly went back into producer mode, made calls and let others know what I had gotten word of.  The loss of the one of the most influential people in Portland, Seattle and the Northwest has hit a lot of us hard.  I had the pleasure of working for Paul at both Rose City Radio and the Trail Blazers.  Paul owned the Blazers for thirty years and his teams made the trip to the NBA Finals twice and a lot of playoff trips.  The shock hasn't worn off and I don't think it will for awhile.

Day 533...

I attended the Blazers press availability earlier today where Neil Olshey and Chris McGowan spoke about Paul Allen, the owner and the man.  Players and Coach Stotts also reacted to the passing.  While opening night is just two nights away, obviously this will be the biggest story for awhile with the team.

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