Thursday, September 20, 2018

Days 505...506...507...

Day 505...

Happy Tuesday!  Today was one of those days in the fall that you have to be outside.  The sun was out and the air was crisp.  I went with the twin sister downtown to drop her off to pick up her new SUV.  The drive down and back was text book fall in Portland.  The leaves are beginning to change and the signs of the season shift are all around.

I wanted to get some errands run after downtown so I headed over to Beaverton and looked for a couple project stuff.  I love this time of year.

Day 506...

Happy Wednesday!  Remember yesterday when I was talking about projects, well tonight I knocked out one tonight that was a long time coming.

The utility plate for the house wasn't installed correctly and when you have the tv mounted above the fireplace, you have to run the cables through the wall.  The cables had previously been run but we needed one more HDMI cable run. My brother in law and I knocked out the project in about an hour and once everything was connected, we were good to go!  I have a couple other projects to knock out this weekend.

Day 507...

Happy Thursday!  It was a beautiful day and I was so happy to have my B Squared podcast co-host, Bonnie, back on the show.  We broke down the rainfall records from Hurricane Florence and talked about the importance of citizen spotters.  Take a listen here!

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